Four Mistakes People Make When Storing A Taxidermy Collection
Stuffed animals are not necessarily ornaments that appeal to everyone, but many Australians appreciate the art of taxidermy. In fact, it was an Australian collector that won the World Taxidermy Championships in 1999. Even if you haven’t won any awards, you may need to think about how you can safely put your taxidermy collection in storage. Make sure your collection stays in prime condition, and avoid the following storage mistakes other people sometimes make.…
Read More »5 Mistakes People Make When Moving Plants
Australian homeowners are increasingly keen to take their favourite garden and house plants with them when they move house. In fact, the volume of plants moving from one place to another has led to a new term called ‘garden grabbing’, where some homeowners strip their old gardens bare before moving on. If you’re thinking of moving plants to your new abode, carefully consider the following mistakes other people make that could leave you with a horticultural disaster on your hands.…
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